Validator Installation Guide

Open Public Borderless Neutral Censorship-resistant


OS requirements

Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 (LTS)

Install Docker

Follow the instructions here.

Create Folders

mkdir -p blockchain/consensus
mkdir -p blockchain/execution


cd blockchain
openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > "jwt.hex"

Validator Keys

Install Dependencies

cd ~
git clone https://gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/staking-deposit-cli.git
cd staking-deposit-cli
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 setup.py install

Generate Validator Keys (New-Mnemonic)

cd staking-deposit-cli
./deposit.sh new-mnemonic \
--num_validators=1 \
--chain=pulsechain \
--folder=/home/<changeusername>/blockchain \

Generate Validator Keys (Existing-Mnemonic)

cd staking-deposit-cli
./deposit.sh existing-mnemonic \
--validator_start_index=10 \
--num_validators=1 \
--chain=pulsechain \
--folder=/home/<changeusername>/blockchain \

--validator_start_index is the number of validators you ALREADY created.

--num_validators is the number of NEW validators you want to create.

If you try to deposit, and it shows 0 validators on the launchpad, then your permissions are wrong.

Run the following, but update the path & file name.

sudo chmod user:user /path/to/deposit_*.json


Firewall Rules

sudo ufw allow 30303

Go-Pulse Run

See for the latest release - here.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
--net=host \
--name=execution \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/go-pulse:latest \
--pulsechain \
--authrpc.jwtsecret=/blockchain/jwt.hex \
--datadir=/blockchain/execution \


Firewall Rules

sudo ufw allow 12000/udp
sudo ufw allow 13000/tcp

Prysm Wallet Password

Save your Prysm wallet password:

cd blockchain
nano password.txt

Enter your Prysm wallet password, press CTRL+X, then confirm by pressing y, and finally, press Enter.

Prysm Beacon Run

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
--network=host \
--name=consensus \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/prysm-pulse/beacon-chain:latest \
--pulsechain \
--jwt-secret=/blockchain/jwt.hex \
--datadir=/blockchain/consensus \
--execution-endpoint= \
--checkpoint-sync-url=https://checkpoint.pulsechain.com \
--genesis-beacon-api-url=https://checkpoint.pulsechain.com \
--suggested-fee-recipient=<your_eth_address> \

You will probably need to reformat the above to work.

Everything before "registry" in one line, and everything after "registry" align the tabs back one tab. I've formatted it the way above for readability.

Prysm Validator Keys Import

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -it \
--network=host \
--name=validatorkeys \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/prysm-pulse/validator:latest \
accounts import \
--pulsechain \
--keys-dir=/blockchain/validator_keys \

Prysm Validator Run

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
--network=host \
--name=validator \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/prysm-pulse/validator:latest \
--pulsechain \
--beacon-rpc-provider= \
--wallet-dir=/blockchain/consensus/validator \
--wallet-password-file=/blockchain/password.txt \
--datadir=/blockchain/consensus \


Firewall Rules

sudo ufw allow 9000

You may need to port forward 9000 on your local router.

Lighthouse Validator Import

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -it \
--net=host \
--name=validatorkeys \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain/:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/lighthouse-pulse:latest \
lighthouse \
account validator import \
--network pulsechain \
--directory /blockchain/validator_keys \

Lighthouse Beacon Run

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
--net=host \
--name=consensus \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/lighthouse-pulse:latest \
lighthouse bn \
--network=pulsechain \
--execution-jwt=/blockchain/jwt.hex \
--datadir=/blockchain/consensus \
--execution-endpoint= \
--checkpoint-sync-url https://checkpoint.pulsechain.com \
--suggested-fee-recipient=<your_eth_address> \

Lighthouse Validator Run

For the latest release, visit this link.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
--net=host \
--name=validator \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/lighthouse-pulse:latest \
lighthouse vc \
--network=pulsechain \
--datadir=/home/<changeusername>/blockchain/consensus \

Docker Help

Stop Docker Container

sudo docker stop -t 180 <containername>

Remove Docker Container

sudo docker rm <containername>

View Docker Container Logs

sudo docker logs --follow <containername>

List All Images

sudo docker images ps -a

Remove Images

sudo docker image rm <image_id>

ps to see processes (works with containers):


ps -a to see stopped ones too:

ps -a

ls is to list so that it can be used with images (they don't have a process) or containers. Also, add the -a flag for more detail.



Instructions for withdrawals using Lighthouse.

Lighthouse Documentation

Lighthouse Validator Exit

sudo docker run -it \
--net=host \
--name=validatorexit \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/lighthouse-pulse:latest \
lighthouse \
--network pulsechain \
account validator exit \
--keystore /blockchain/validator_keys/<YOUR-keystore-m_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.json> \

Enter the validator key password.

Enter "Exit my validator"


Instructions for withdrawals using Prysm.

Prysm Documentation

Prysm Validator Exit

sudo docker run -it \
--net=host \
--name=validatorexit \
-v /home/<changeusername>/blockchain:/blockchain \
registry.gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/prysm-pulse/prysmctl:latest \
validator exit \
--wallet-dir=/blockchain/consensus/validator \

You can also choose "All Accounts".

Enter "Exit my validator".

Set BLS Withdrawal Credentials

Not recommended to attempt until confirmation these steps work (work in progress).


Create BLS Withdrawal Credentials

See links to official references:

BLS Credential Guide
./deposit.sh --language=english generate-bls-to-execution-change \
--chain=pulsechain \
--mnemonic="sister protect peanut hill ready work profit fit wish want small inflict flip member tail between sick setup bright duck morning sell paper worry" \
--bls_withdrawal_credentials_list="0x00bd0b5a34de5fb17df08410b5e615dda87caf4fb72d0aac91ce5e52fc6aa8de,0x00a75d83f169fa6923f3dd78386d9608fab710d8f7fcf71ba9985893675d5382" \
--validator_start_index=0 \
--validator_indices="50000, 50001" \
--execution_address="0x3434343434343434343434343434343434343434" \

Broadcast Withdrawal Credentials to the Beacon Chain

You can broadcast your signed message from the command line using the curl command.

Prysm (tested)

curl -X 'POST' \
'localhost:3500/eth/v1/beacon/pool/bls_to_execution_changes' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @filename.json

Check Validator Withdrawal Credentials

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Lighthouse (tested)

curl -X 'POST' \
'localhost:5052/eth/v1/beacon/pool/bls_to_execution_changes' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @filename.json

Check Validator Withdrawal Credentials

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Validator Scripts

Validator Deposit JSON checker script

If you have many validators in your deposit*.json, and lost track of which ones were deposited. Instead of going through all of them one by one. You can use this script, to check all the validators, and see which ones were successfully deposited and active. You do need to wait for 24-48 hours after depositing to use this tool. It doesn't show deposits that are pending, because the beacon api won't have any record of them.

This script will create a new deposit*-remainingtodeposit.json file that you can use to deposit with, instead of needing to manually create a new json file. The network ( mainnet / testnet ) is automatically determined by the network defined in the deposit*.json file.

You need to install "jq" for your OS.

            wget https://g4mm4.io/scripts/validator_deposit_checker.sh
            sudo chmod +x validator_deposit_checker.sh

            ./validator_deposit_checker.sh /path/to/deposit*.json

Note: example if the json file is in the same directory as the script

            ./validator_deposit_checker.sh deposit*.json
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